Sunday, August 09, 2009

More On Midwest

After two 2+ hour flights, one lost car seat, a 9:00 sushi order, and sharing a pillow with 2 cats, we are home. So.... 3 Days in Columbia (MO), 3 in Washington (IA), and 2 in St. Louis. We took fewer and fewer pictures as the week went on. By St. Louis the camera battery had died.

In Columbia, it was all about the babe. We read baby books.

We watched the baby.

We played with the baby.

I discovered (well, Adelaide did) this great little block wagon and decide to try out my depth of field skills. Needs work, but not too shabby.

We spent one afternoon at the mall (because it doesn't take much to entertain a toddler), and tried the carousel. She was most excited when it wasn't moving. :0

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