Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Heart Three Day Weekends

presents, originally uploaded by apkoski.

Paul got Prez Day off, so Sunday felt like Saturday and so on. It was nice.
We had a fun Valentine's Day, making cookies at a friend's house and later having a yummy dinner with an AWESOME dessert.

I have been wanting ice cream cake since the last time I had it. That was almost 6 months ago.

A cool surprise came Fedex today. Adelaide got a handmade music box from her Great Grandparents! It plays Teddy Bear's Picnic when you lift the lid. It's beautiful, Great Grandpa! (There was only a little crying after the end of the vide0.)

This afternoon Adelaide & I walked down to Woodstock to our local children's shop today and picked up a plain white muslin swaddling blanket. I've been asked to embellish it for display, with the idea that other people might want to buy their own white swaddling blanket and try it too. Any ideas on embellishments?


Anonymous said...

I heard your cry just as the lid shut. Are you better now?

mattnashley said...

I saw that lid banging shut the first time she grabbed it. It was like an America's funniest home videos clip, but no bad narration. Oh, and it wasn't funny...so, bad analogy I guess. I'll take my comments off the air.