We've (okay, just me - Anne - since I'm the one who wrote that dumb "post resolution") been busted. Again.
Not that there are any excuses in there, but in a nutshell, this was our last week and a half.
Last weekend we were sooooooo productive. In the morning I taught 2 of my 19 Baby Boot Camp classes of the week (usually I do a managable 7) and Paul got groceries and cleaned the house some. We grabbed lunch at the famous Otto's Sausage place in Woodstock and then went to Paul's boss' house to buy her Window AC (just in time for the 90's on Mon.). Then we went and picked up a U-Haul & on to get our new Futon Sofa. After we came home with our new sofa, THEN we loaded up the remains of our fmr. bathroom: sink, linoleum, Throne, cabinets, bath tile, and other misc. junk. When we left the Metro Trash Center, we weighed in at 800 pounds less than when we entered. It was a very organized place, and
we got to unload the trash. Paul & I took turns seeing who could launch our trash the farthest.
Whew! I think we just hung out on Sunday, leaving plenty of time to post a Blog. Instead, I just added this item to our Blog Wish List:
http://www.meowmeowboulder.com/dial-an-excuse.html The rest of the week was a blur: I ran all over the city teaching the rest of my class schedule - got in three 1-hour workouts per day sometimes. Paul droned on to work every morning @ 5:45, and got back at 4:00. Who knows WHAT he actually does there, but he's always pretty tired. (Maybe its all that late-night Big Brother viewing).
Friday (yesterday) was neat too. I got to meet Paul's co-workers at the company picnic. It was a great deal, and fun. Paul didn't even have to go to work as long as he got to the picnic site by 10:00 for the awards presentation. After we ate they had prize drawings, a water balloon toss, Bingo, & a fun run/walk! We left at 2:00 and Paul didn't have to go back to work, fill out leave slips, or do anything like NAVO required! Welcome to the Army!
After the picnic we met a guy south of the city in Wilsonville - love the traffic: 20 miles in 90 minutes! He wanted to see our Civic that we're trying to sell. It ended up being worth the trip. He's sending a check to our bank on Monday. Yay, we're loan free!
Oh yeah, except for that pesky mortgate.So now its Saturday. We're headed to the Oregon Brew Festival on the waterfront. We'll post pictures later (but I'm not making any promises - they jinx me!).
- Anne