Thursday, April 30, 2009

Kids Eat...



Monday, April 27, 2009

It's Here

This is what Spring looks like in our back yard.
Or is it backyard? Note the tulips. Our own little t-fest.
Paul's hops grow several inches a day. No kidding.
Doesn't that gnome have a cute hiney?

The Little Men Next Door, originally uploaded by apkoski.

All done.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Warm, Edible Love

Good Morning Muffins, originally uploaded by apkoski.

These are the muffins I made this morning. These are the muffins of which I ate 2 (TWO) this morning. These are the muffins I will make again this weekend, after I go to the store and buy another jar of marmalade. Chocolate is much better than muffins, but right now the muffins are winning.
Thank you for your evil influences, Pioneer Woman.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This Post Needs no Explanation

:: Walken by Wilco, Sky Blue Sky, 2007 ::

Monday, April 20, 2009

Nice Quiet Shoes

Nice Quiet Shoes, originally uploaded by apkoski.

There is a LOT of screeching going on around here, so for balance, here's a picture of some nice quiet shoes.

Hope you're having picnic weather too!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Roundup

This Easter was a fun one, having the kiddo along and all! We didn't hide eggs or baskets, but we did have brunch with some birth class friends. It was fun to watch the babies climb over each other.

This Easter was also special because Adelaide received several cards (with cash!) and packages: books, stuffed bunnies, toys. You guys are too thoughtful!

We're also going outside a LOT nowadays. It has been pretty beautiful out.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Garden Planning

I took some time last month to measure out our front lawn and sketch up a to scale depiction of the garden space we're digging out right now (although somehow the actual garden looks like it won't fit all that stuff on the layout).

Can ya read all that scribble (Actually, if you click on the image it comes up crystal clear in a new window.) I'm going for shades of yellow, chartreuse, and orange, infused with a healthy dose of purple. I want mostly perennials and evergreens. The house is 'margarita green,' according to our lush neighbors, and the mailbox, house numbers, and planter are copper. The space gets strong afternoon sun (6-7 hrs), so I'm going for drought-tolerant plants. Any suggestions for the gap?

PS - Anybody visited the Amazon(d0t)com apparel shop yet?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter Weekend Everybody

Clockwise from 8:00, Papa Bear, Baby Bear, Mama Bear.

Apple Blossom Clematis and new Cotinus to put in the ground.

Peeking north over our good neighbor fence at our good neighbor's Star Magnolia.

Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Keeping Up

Last time I posted it was March. It was raining every day. We washed the guest bed sheets twice, said an unceremonious goodbye to our old Accord, and entertained a traveling window salesman into the wee hours of a Friday night.It was a productive, fun, tiring month.

Chasing, originally uploaded by apkoski.

Then April came. The weather has been wonderful, so we've invested in some baby sunblock (the cheap stuff, not the $25 bottle. Yes, really.) and went outside. Between breaks digging dirt, rocks, and sticks out of Adelaide's mouth, we've managed to also dig out a portion of the front lawn with plans to create curb appeal. I don't think I can get it done without Mr. P's help; his forearms are animalistic.

Meanwhile, Adelaide is nearing 11 months and has recently mastered the game of Peek-a-Boo. So apologetically, we have more baby movie to share with you. Ahem.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009