Monday, February 25, 2008

The Getaway

, originally uploaded by apkoski.

Last weekend was wonderful! We stayed in Oceanside, OR in a tall handmade house set on a steep hill overlooking the ocean. We hiked, had a mediocre seafood supper at the town cafe, read books, finished a puzzle, looked through the binoculars, drank water out of wine glasses, made a yummy dinner at the house, looked at maps, ate Sweet Tart gummy bunnies, beach combed, confiscated a can of refried beans, napped, and petted a kitty. Please, don't tell us what we forgot to do -- salute us in our last twosome 'vacation' ever. ever. ever.

- A


gleefulgirl said...

I love your eye for photography - and I do salute you (seriously, with my hand on my forehead even), although friends & relatives make a nice weekend getaway doable. :) Once you feel you can confidently leave the little one that was made inside you in someone else's care. :) I'm still getting there myself...

Anonymous said...

Mwha-ha-ha-ha-ha.... (Love, Mimi...and Aiden...and Avery)