Sunday, May 06, 2012

The End

So it has come to this. You are checking here... again, with hope. Because there is always hope.  For now I will continue to update my Flickr account with a photo diary of our life.

And I'm occasionally posting pictures and content on Facebook that is not shared on Flickr.

I have enjoyed sharing my collections of words with whomever cares to read, and I've missed blogging over the last couple years. I am getting less screen time these days. Maybe when Adelaide turns 6 (2014)?


Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby

Yahoo, Adelaide is 2!

It's a shame that we didn't film this tonight because now she knows how to say "My Birthday!" and "I'm 2!"
Fun times.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Long Gone & Back Again

Over the past 8 - 12 weeks, my nausea has been heightened by feelings of responsibility and follow-through. But lately I'm running out of excuses. I've eaten chocolate recently, stopped taking Unisom, and even taken seconds over the last 2 weeks.
So now I'm answering e-mails in a timely manner, taking and editing images (AKA photos), and I even sewed something (still working on taking those images, but it's cute!).

Anyway, here's my collection of until recently un-edited and un-posted images from the last couple months. I KNOW, they're ARCHIVES, and you should feel privileged that I have shared them (unless, in fact, you have already given up on this dead page).


Gardening, er, digging... for worms

Picnic with Lily & Tracy

At Rogue, trying to convince herself that Root Beer is a treat and not medicine.

Potty Meeooo (movie).

@ OMSI with idol Bet (Beckett)

And there you have it: our February, March, & half of April, in images.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sad & Happy

Last-last Friday, our last day with Mr Gatsby...

Last Monday, visible proof of life!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cocoa part deux

Another round. Thanks Aunt Tyleen & kids!

Cocoa part deux, originally uploaded by apkoski.

Happy V-Day

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Our Voodoo

Did I ever mention the HEX Paul & I have on the local pro football teams? We left St. Louis in 1999, Rams win the Superbowl.
We move North from the Gulf Coast, the Saints get Drew Brees, start having a winning record, and then win the Superbowl today. I'd say Portland's pretty lucky there's no pro football team for us to jinx.


Monday, January 25, 2010

New Challenge at Push-Ups and Playdates

Hey regular readers,
Just wanted to share with you the opportunity to participate in a new workout challenge, the Evolution Challenge. Have fun doing 25 or 100 repetitions of one exercise per day this week, and crawl out of the primordial soup and into mammal/humanhood! To get started, click over to my professional blog and comment, or find the event on Facebook and RSVP.

Also, I've already created a modified exercise list for wheelchair-bound individuals as well as children, so if you would like modifications to suit your needs, please let me know.

Good luck!